April 3, 2013

Easter Camp

Happy belated Easter everyone! This week Indian Hills hosts almost 200 refugee kids from the San Diego area. Pray for them as they play, swim, and learn about Jesus!

Here's a short video of Jacques helping with some of these kids on the zip line!

January 8, 2013

Indian Hills Camp

Dear friends & family,

We’re excited to send you this letter to tell you what God has done in our lives this past few months!

For many years we have desired to be in ministry or non-profit work together as a couple. Jacques has worked with construction jobs, and Brittany has spent 5 years with Starbucks. Neither work has been the kind of rewarding work we feel like we’re created for. DEEP inside us, we have felt like there is something else out there that God has for us. Something that allows us to be together doing work that is rewarding and that uses our innate gifts and talents to serve God & others. We’ve prayed for this with little opportunity presenting itself- but with a deep confidence that someday He will answer that prayer.

Eight months ago we welcomed the biggest gift God could give us- our son Roman! With our new addition came some challenges that really pushed us to seek out new work or jobs where we could spend more time together as a family, less time working separate shifts, and also provide better for our new family. We applied and interviewed with many ministries and even visited some prospects out of state- willing to go where ever to seek out a change and a better opportunity for our family.

But God led us right back here to San Diego where we met with the leadership at Indian Hills Camp over the course of many months- seeing if we might be a good fit for the ministry and if they might be a good fit for our family.

When they finally invited us to join them, and laid out what they could foresee us doing there- we couldn’t be MORE excited! It was as if God had designed this for us! We expect to start with Indian Hills the begining of March. Jacques will be hired on as full time Mission Staff- a sort of local missionary position. He will be helping with many of the programs that the camp runs throughout the year and also helping with maintenance, while Brittany is able to stay home and focus on raising a family. But together we will have the opportunity to work with and mentor high school and college kids who come through the camp. These kids serve as counselors with the summer camps, work with the Gap year program or serving with different leadership teams. Working with this age group together as a couple is what we are most excited about! We have both loved getting to work with youth at our church, although unfortunately in a limited capacity because of restrictions from jobs, etc.

In order to work with Indian Hills, which will provide Jacques with housing and modest salary- we are required to raise some of our own income in order to supplement what the camp is able to give. They are a non-profit ministry serving children all over San Diego County with an array of programs including summer camps offered free to all kids, 6thgrade camps, day camps and more. We will need to raise a minimum of $500 in monthly support- and looking to increase it to $1,000 within the first year.

In addition we also need to raise a start-up amount of $2,500. We’re asking our friends and family who also believe in Indian Hills Camp, and want to support them by supporting us, to consider helping us with financial and also prayer support.

Please visit Indian Hills Camp to learn more about what they do, or click here to make a one time donation! If you are interested in becoming a monthly supporter, please print our contribution letter and mail to Indian Hills. To help be a part of praying for us, click here for our current prayer needs or you can email us.

Jacques & Brittany